Mold Damage

Mold Damage

ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration, "The Master of Disaster" - Mold Remediation Overview

CERTIFIED Mold Damage Remediation and Cleanup

We are the original ServiceMaster Restore disaster restoration company operating in Mobile and Baldwin County in South Alabama, serving the area for over 30 years. We have handled some of the largest fire damage, water damage and mold remediation cleanup jobs ever performed on the Gulf Coast and we would be honored to serve you. (251) 653-9333, (251) 928-1028 and (866) 653-9333. 

ServiceMaster Mobile, Alabama locally known as ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration, The Master of Disaster, has posted several guidelines about mold identification and mold remediation on their site.

Please see our videos and other articles on mold remediation to obtain a fuller understanding of how remediation companies handle this issue. One video that provides good overview and a resonable approach is:, another video that shows us on an actual job in Alabama is here:


CERTIFIED Mold Remediation Requires Training & Knowledge - Mobile, AL, Baldwin County, AL & The Alabama & Mississippi Gulf Coast

If you have a mold issue, make certain that you hire a CERTIFIED mold remediation professional. Ask to see their certifications. Ask to see their insurance. Mold can be a serious health hazard, and you shouldn't take a chance with anyone that says it can simply be torn out! The airborne spores left from the removal of affected drywall and contents, are typically the very thing that will cause health problems. If every square inch isn't properly cleaned and the air filtered, the resulting spores can be enough to cause serious health issues. We will not take a chance with your health. We only know one way to do the job - the right way. This involves total elimination and removal of all visible and airborne mold spores.  - ServiceMaster Advanced - The Master of Disaster (251) 653-9333, (251) 928-1028 & (866) 653-9333.

Water Damage, Mold and Home Insurance

You’ve had water damage in your house due to a burst pipe, a roof leak or a heavy summer storm. You hope that your insurance will cover the damage. What to do? First, read about mold below. You may not know the implications of water and mold damage.


What Is Mold, and Why Should You Care?

Molds are part of a group of micro-organisms called fungi that also includes mushrooms and yeasts. Molds are familiar to most people as food spoilers on items such as bread or fruit. Molds are nature’s decomposers in the food chain.

Mold requires the following conditions to grow:

  • Mold spores (which are always present indoors and outdoors)
  • The right temperature range, from 2°C to 40°C
  • A food supply, which means anything organic such as books, carpets, clothing, wood, drywall, etc.
  • A source of moisture

The last condition, moisture, is the only practical factor to control in most houses.

If allowed to grow inside your house, mold can be a problem because:

  • It can damage your possessions
  • It can cause health problems, for example:

    “ … mold … can cause … allergic reactions such as asthma or allergic rhinitis, non-allergic reactions such as headaches, and other symptoms [including] lung and breathing infections” (Health Canada, 2003).

Dry Quickly to Avoid Mold!

1 — Contact your insurance broker

First, call your insurance broker or agent and report the water damage. You can expect to discuss these questions and issues:

  • How did the water damage occur?
  • Is this damage covered by your policy?
  • Did the damage occur during the period your policy was in effect?
  • Are you reporting the water damage promptly (within 24 hours) to allow quick drying and repairs?

2 — Hire ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration

Hire a  ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration to clean up the water and make repairs as needed to your house.

A thorough and fast cleanup will help avoid mold growth. If you wait too long and mold growth starts, cleanup costs will increase significantly. This is what you should be looking for:

Mold grows quickly; that is why you need us in your house promptly.



ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration is certified and training in water damage restoration and mold remediation. Not only are we certified and trained, unlike many of the other "national" companies who advertise that they perform these services in Mobile and Baldwin Counties and the Gulf Coast, we actually perform this work here. All of our pictures and videos are of actual jobs that this entity actually performed here!​ We are experienced HERE on the Gulf Coast. Our pictures are not stock corporate photos provided to us by the franchisor, they are OUR pictures of jobs that we have done!

  We follow basic, good clean up practices after your water damage. Here are some things to look for:

  • The moisture source is stopped
  • Wet items that can’t be salvaged are removed
  • What can’t be removed is dried quickly
  • Ideally, drying is done within 48 hours (to minimize mold growth)
  • No refinishing is done until the area is thoroughly dried

The above picture was done at a church in Eight Mile, AL where we were performing mold remediation.


You’ve Got Mold

If you already have extensive mold because, for example, you’ve had water damage while you’ve been away for two weeks, or there was a long delay between the water damage and our arrival, then we will have to discuss the following points:

1 — Drying the damaged area

2 — Removing the mold safely

To protect our staff and you and your family from exposure to mold, ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration  follows certain procedures. Here are some things we do:

  • The affected area will be sealed off from the rest of your house.
  • The workers will be wearing protective gear.
  • There will need to be an exhaust fan removing air from the affected area to the outdoors.
  • No chemical disinfectants, such as bleach, should be used during clean-up, only fragrance-free detergent.
  • If transported through your house, moldy materials will be sealed in plastic.

3 — Inspecting for mold

We will inspect:

  • All areas adjacent to the mold growth
  • Behind wallpaper
  • In areas where water may have seeped, such as wall cavities, basement subfloors, crawl spaces, etc.
  • Under wall-to-wall carpeting

Here is another article from one of the ServiceMaster tri-fold brochures:



We have probably all encountered mold at one time or another. It might have been in the shower, or on a stale piece of bread or cheese/ There are many different species of mold, but all molds share some common characteristics.


  • Molds thrive in moist and humid environments.
  • Molds require an organic food source. One common food source is cellulose, which is found in building materials such as wood and drywall.
  • Molds are spread by microscopic airborne particles called “spores.”


Molds and spores are naturally present in the outdoor environment all around us. However, indoor mold growth can become a tenacious problem. Mold spreads rapidly and produces an unpleasant musty odor. If allowed to grow unchecked, mold can impact indoor air quality and can be difficult and costly to remove. Mold contamination is a growing concern for homeowners, property managers, insurance providers and restoration companies. Below is a picture of air sampling actually being performed in one of our offices here in Mobile, Alabama. To learn, we made certain that our own environment was mold free!






When a customer has a significant mold issue, we will typically recommend the services of an Industrial Hygienist. This person should be hired by the customer to pre-test for mold spore levels, write a remediation plan, and conduct post-testing spore counts. In the actual printouts from lab reports from an actual job that ServiceMaster Advanced performed, one can see the before and after results below. Note the "after" spore counts (highlighted in yellow), which are actually significantly lower than outside air quality!






Mold can start to grow in as little as 48 hours. To prevent the spread of mold, it is important to react quickly in the event of a water loss. By identifying and eliminating the source of the water and implementing rapid drying processes, mold growth can be curtailed. The most effective drying techniques involve the use of sensitive tools to measure and record the temperature, humidity and moisture content of both the structure and contents of the home or building. Professional water damage restoration can mean the difference between a small water problem and a structure covered with mold. ServiceMaster Clean professionally trained technicians use the latest water restoration and drying techniques to deliver quality results.


For 24 hour emergency service, call (251) 653-9333. For more information about ServiceMaster Mobile, AL and ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration, disaster restoration services, visit


This article refers specifically and only to ServiceMaster ADVANCED Cleaning & Restoration. Make certain that you call this specific company as there are vast differences in capabilities between companies. We can be reached at (251) 653-9333, ServiceMaster ADVANCED, enterprise number 7027.





If we observe mold, we will respond appropriately, immediately reporting our observations to the insurance company. When the extent of mold contamination is isolated and/or less than 10 square feet, expensive testing and protocols are generally not required. ServiceMaster Advanced can proceed with the claim and perform emergency water mitigation services, including remediation of the 10 square feet or less of mold. We will isolate the contaminated area and remove the mold, while protecting the surrounding areas from the possible spread of mold spores.


When we encounter an affected area of more than 10 square feet, we will contain the contaminated area, stop normal water mitigation procedures and immediately notify the insurance company, and notify the customer. In these cases, we strongly recommend the use of an environmental testing service to establish baseline levels of mold, identify the types of mold present and develop a written remediation plan. Our goal is to work with the insurance company to establish the proper procedures to handle the mold situation.


ServiceMaster Advanced, The Master of Disaster (251) 653-9333.


Remember that YOU AND YOU ALONE, decide who works in your home or business.  YOU decide who handles your most precious of possessions! Tell your insurance provider that you want SERVICEMASTER ADVANCED  or call us directly. Make sure that there is no confusion. There are other mitigation companies, and even others with similar sounding names. We are ServiceMaster Advanced, The Master of Disaster. "WE WOULD BE HONORED TO SERVE YOU."  (251) 653-9333 or (251) 928-1028.


Printable mold remediation guide. Below.



Below is a self-explanatory letter sent recently to one of our customers. Name withheld.

We will always do the right and honest thing. Period.




Remember that YOU AND YOU ALONE, decide who works in your home or business.  YOU decide who handles your most precious of possessions! Tell your insurance provider that you want SERVICEMASTER ADVANCED  or call us directly. Make sure that there is no confusion. There are other mitigation companies, and even others with similar sounding names. We are ServiceMaster Advanced, The Master of Disaster. "WE WOULD BE HONORED TO SERVE YOU."  (251) 653-9333 or (251) 928-1028.